Monday, October 31, 2011

8 years ago...on Halloween....

8 years ago today...I started dating Michael Myers, I mean Michael Mackey.
Scary right? (sticking with the whole Halloween thing, if you will)
bahaha. no, but seriously.
Who knew that 8 years later we'd be married, have 2 beautiful little girls, overcome a miscarriage, own a house, and much much more.

.....may your Halloween be filled with trick or treating and love....


  1. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I will have been together 8 years in March. It's fun to look back and think about what has happened since that first day together.

    Have a great night tonight!

    Following back. Thank you for visiting our blog, we hope you'll be back!

    Stephanie @

  2. Congrats on 8 years - that's great!!! =)

    megs [at] Shine On


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