Friday, November 25, 2011

boob school...

So, while Rylee is in pre-school...Reese and I began looking for some social groups to join...after all, every girl needs a girlfriend.
So we have made our way to a lovely little group consisting of ladies and their babies that we can relate to.

It's our breastfeeding support group that has become known as: "boob school".

In this group we talk about baby wearing, cloth diapering, baby feeding (duh), poo colors, boob colors (trust me on that one), sickness, siblings, recipes...I mean really, it's all fair game.

I sometimes am WAY a little shocked at how some moms become so comfortable around complete strangers....I guess its a girl bond that mothers share...
But I have learned some very cool things. Nipple coloring, vinegar wash, coconut oil, and every thing there is to know about yeast ~ to name a few.

And I've made some super sweet friends, I think Reese has too. ;)

Reese with rose-y cheeks (thank you teething) and her little friend Zoey.

The pic below is from a "baby wearing discussion" and trying on baby slings. A really sweet friend let me try hers on and model it..
Coolest thing...where I live, we have a Tot Toters Group that has a library full of baby slings, wraps, and carriers...!!

And wear your such...

I love being a Mom.

1 comment:

the sweeties that read my blog wanna say...