Wednesday, November 16, 2011

wordless wednesday

Linking up with and then, she {snapped} to bring you...

and then, she {snapped}

I know what you're thinking, Christmas decor up? already?
Yes, just look at those freshly pressed stockings hanging by the chimney with care in hopes that St Nicholas soon....
ok, ok, maybe a weee bit too soon for that.

I love a house full of Christmas, the smells, the lights, the sounds, the family gathered around the living just warms my heart.
And this little gal, all cutened up in her pjs.
Just seeing those blue eyes and that smirky little grin makes me want to scoop her up and kiss her.

Happy Wednesday Friends!

1 comment:

  1. you have such an adorable family!!!


the sweeties that read my blog wanna say...