Linking up with
Top Ten Tuesdays to bring you the Top 10 things
I need ....
1. I need an i-phone.
I need it because its cute. That's it. It's an adorable phone.
My mother in law recently purchased one. And I must say I'm so jealous.
But we are devising a plan to convince my husband that I need one...we'll butter him up with chocolate, chicken casserole and notre dame apparel. Done.
2. I need 8 hours of consistent sleep.
zzzzzzzz, you know how it is...
man oh man, it would feel amazing to sleep for 8 solid hours straight.
My dearest hubs goes to bed at 10pm sharp every night and awakens every morning at 6:30.
He's got such a good routine.
And not a sign of bags under his eyes. at. all. And for this, I am jealous.
3. I need a peppermint mocha from Starbucks every. single. day.
If only they made house deliveries....I'd be in total heaven. And be totally broke.
4. I need to freeze time because my children....are. growing. up.
5. I need to hug the owner of this store...
You ever been? To Charming Charlies? O, Em, Gee!!
It's eye candy for sure, for those of you obesessed with accessories, like moi. It will make your toes curl.
6. I need to call my family more.
Working in a hospital sure does make you thankful for what you have. And I'm very thankful for my family.
I miss them. I think of each of them daily.
The fun times with cousins like singing "Cotton Eyed Joe" (pure silliness) , spending the nights with Aunts because they'd let us eat junk food and stay up late, eating momma's spaghetti that I can still smell when I close my eyes, and the list could seriously go on.
{Goal: call a family member this week and tell them how much I miss them}
7. I need to purchase a pair of these for each of my children
Umm, seriously, who invented baby heels? love them.
side note: let's explore some odd inventions for a moment....
is it butter or chapstick?
oh, I'd so wear this. all winter long.
because you know you love to sing in the shower....
ok, enough of that.
8. I need to wear sunscreen more often.
9. I need to stop chewing my nails!
Can't they make a pill or something special to make you stop? I've chewed mine since I was 4!
And now my oldest daughter chews hers :( I try and tell her what a disgusting, unhealthy, little bad habit it is but I
Need to set by example, right?
It's not even a nervous habit, it's a "eww, my nails are getting long and I don't have the clippers around, let me handle this..." kind of habit.
But hey, don't judge.
10. I need to tell you.....that I'M ALMOST FINISHED CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!! (Wahhooooooo!!!)
no, no, I didn't say wrapped...just almost finished shopping.